Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Mission

Welcome to Top Five Tuesday! The place where perennial unanswerable questions and unsolvable debates are finally answered.

Here is a little background info about the creators of T5T. We are Kevin, Corey, Tim and Todd. Four friends and roommates living together in San Mateo, CA. We lead a great life. We all love sports, movies, music, politics and anything else pop culture related. We are also very outspoken and tend to debate practically everything. Kevin, Corey and Tim are all Giants fans, while Todd is a supporter of the blue spawns of Satan down south.  About 85% of all arguments/debates stem from conversations regarding the Giants and Dodgers. The remaining 15% include all of our other passions.

We have a lot of fun games and traditions we all play together. We live on a beach and whiffle ball is a 3-4 times a week occurrence. We also enjoy watching TV together. Jersey Shore, Boardwalk Empire and Eastbound and Down are our favorites.

A new tradition that Kevin thought of was coming up with weekly top five lists. We would come up with a topic on  Monday night (announced during Monday Night Football) and have one day to come up with our top five of that topic. We have a set list of judges that determine the winning list.

We would love your input on each submission and would also appreciate suggestions for future list topics.

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