Monday, December 27, 2010

Top Five Movies You Will Show Your Children Someday

Everyone remembers the first time they saw a great movie that touched their lives. When we were younger, most of the time it was with our parents. When you are a parent, what will you show your kids to help shape them, show them the world, or teach me a lesson? This is what we would choose.

Kevin's List

5. Animal House

One of the best comedies of all time. I was in a fraternity in college, and loved every second of it. I would never force my son to join one, but if he saw how great some of those characters were and how much fun they had, hopefully it would give him a shove in the right direction.
Pictured: The right direction

4. Hoosiers

I love this movie and what it represents. I want my son to be a team player in no matter what he does. This movie showed that hard work, dedication, and team work can pay off. Plus it shows Indiana and what it is like there. I'd want my son to understand where I used to live and what is valued there.
Can't beat those Hickory High warmups

3. Toy Story

Although most of my choices are trying to shape and educate my son so he could grow up to be a good man, this choice would be to show that growing up doesn't need to happen overnight. Kids should enjoy being kids, because it doesn't last. Toy Story taught us all to cherish the things that made our childhood great. I'd want my son to hold onto whatever was special to him while he watched this.

2. The Dark Knight

I know this choice will be criticized. Superhero movies come and go, with very few being able to relate to a different generation. I wouldn't choose this for it's story or special effects. I would choose to show it because of the amazing, once in a life time performance by Health Ledger. I would want to show my son what happens when a great actor becomes obsessed with a role. So obsessed, that it took over his life, and eventually consumed him. Watching TDK knowing Ledger ending up dying due to that role makes every second of him on screen suspenseful and mesmerizing. Few actors have ever pulled that off for an entire movie.
The therapy costs will be worth it

1. Saving Private Ryan

You can't understand WW2 fully by reading about it in a textbook. WW2 was the defining event of the 20th century, and probably the largest influence world wide in several hundred years. It launched the US and the USSR into superpower status, thus leading to the cold war and eventual end of Soviet Russia. The stakes had never been higher. A pure evil force was committing heinous acts. It took a near world wide effort to stop Hitler. Although millions lost their lives, countless more were saved by the heroic acts of the Allied Forces. Even though SPR only depicted one platoon of American soldiers, the attitude, bravery, and heroism was accurately portrayed. Every person should see the first 20 minutes of this movie, and understand the kind of sacrifice it took for liberation from evil.
These men stared death right in the eye

Pain Train's List

#5 The Gatekeeper

   Although not particularly good in terms of acting or production, the movie touches upon an issue (immigration) in which the human factor is all too often ignored. I believe movies can be wonderful learning opportunities and I would use it as so.


#4 Field of Dreams

 Mainly because my father watched it with me so I feel like I should return the favor. As baseball is one of my undying loves, I want to share that passion. It also opens the conversation for a lengthy conversation to baseball history.

#3 Old School

 Mind you my kid may have to be a tad older to view this classic, but I think a good natured comedy is a great bonding experience. Also, this marks the beginning of a great 2-3 year run for comedy and comedy actors such as Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn. It allows one to reminisce  about those awesome college years. 

#2 Shawshank Redemption

Just an all around amazing movie. The characters, the story, the acting all are impeccable. It also lends itself to wonderful analogies and truly touches upon race, incarceration, and the human condition. Just a riveting movie and a great watch with offspring. 

#1 Rudy

  After watching this movie you want to do SOMETHING with you life. You want to follow you passions and be happy. That is all you want for your kids. 

Tjack Attack

#5  Avatar

I common story plot remastered by James Cameron.  I was deciding between this and Dances with Wolves (identical plots) when I decided that contemporary was more fun to watch and more enjoyable for kids.  A native people trying to be domesticated and an outsider makes their way in.  Falling in love with a woman and defending them as though his new family had always been in his heart.  A great movie, technologically innovative, and perhaps a classic in the making.

#4  Hoosiers

A movie that will move with the generations.  My father showed me this as a kid and I will pass it on down to mine.  A great movie that illustrates hard work and determination can beat innate ability.  This movie takes you through family problems and people trying to leave the past to the story of love and the classic cinderella story in sports.  A great movie and classic that need to be seen by everyone.

#3  Dumb and Dumber

The classic comedy ever person should see.  Countless times this movie has sent me into uncontrollable laughter.  I am not sure this movie can be replicated in terms of its ability to create humor.  Like any comedy, love is part of the plot, but it does not adversely affect the greatness of the movie.  Funny, Funny, Funny

#2  Rudy

Another story introduced to me by my father that will be shown to my kids.  This movie teaches determination and your right to dream.  Heaven forbid that you go out and get that dream.  A true story for the ages about a kid who was told was too small, walks onto the Notre Dame’s practice squad and thrives as a traditional role player.  After his hard work he gets his opportunity to play in his final senior game in the forth quarter.  He was carried off the field by the shoulders of his teammates, and the last person to be carried off that field.  Great movie and good lessons for the children. 

#1  Braveheart

A classic story of love and revenge where you can never underestimate the true power of love.  With historical relevance and its legendary war scenes, this movie a classic.  A great story that follows the pursuit of one man and his loyal followers as they attempt to create a sovereign Scotland free of King Edward the I and his tyrannical rule.  Wonderful movie.

Flash-Master's List

#5—Remember the Titans—Plus points for being one of my favorite movies of all time, enjoyed by (almost) all who watch it (cough Pain Train cough) political and historical undertones, and vintage Denzel at his peak. Emerged for me as the top sports flick just because it does the “team struggling against all odds to overcome and win” thing in a more enjoyable way than anyone else. Great soundtrack too.

#4—The Matrix—Watershed mind-trick movie. Struggled between this and Inception as the genre standard-bearer, and ultimately decided that Matrix has withstood the test of time a little (at least for our generation) and so deserved the nod. Bonus points for Keanu Reeves’ acting (how has he NOT won 5+ Oscars??).
#3—Avatar (3D Version)—A controversial pick because of overused plot lines, mediocre acting (to be kind), ridiculous hype and a bit of “take ourselves too serious” syndrome. However, when we are talking about showing our kids films, we are looking for some sort of tangible “thing” they can relate to. By then, all movies will be 3D or holographic or something, so if we are discussing movies they need to see, the epoch that started it all should for sure be included. The most stunning visual film of all time.

#2—Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope—A sheer classic, A New Hope gets the nod as the representative flick for the original Lucas trilogy, even though Empire Strikes Back was undoubtedly a better film. Showed people that things could happen in the movies that couldn’t happen in real life. A fantastic escape, and a genre-defining science fiction flick. Also, really established a precedent for sequential sagas that with all due respect to Indy Jones, has only been truly approached by the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series. One of the first films to develop a true cult following.

#1—Wizard of Oz—For the simple reason that you can literally see the shift in movie technology in the middle of the film! No other film has done it like that. Likable characters, fantastic stories, historical significance with the populist/gold-standard/wizard thing. Special memories of watching it with my own family mean that it will have generational significance, and one of the films that my parents could talk to my kids to about how important it truly was for the cinema and entertainment industries.

Till next Tuesday...

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