Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top Five Fictional Characters You Would Want as a Friend

Have you ever watched a movie and thought to yourself, "Man, I wish I could hang out with that guy"? A great character can make you feel like you have known him for years. You can imagine talking to them and engaging in whatever hi-jinx they get themselves into film after film. These are the characters we would gladly grab a pitcher with.

Kevin's List

#5 Danny Ocean

Mr. Suave. The best long con guy in the game. Even though he is a master criminal and a tad far fetched at times, he would be a great guy to hang out with. He has some very powerful  and influential acquaintances. I guarantee you would never get a bad table at a restaurant or a hotel room near the ice machine with him by your side. He would probably pick up the tab also.

#4 Eric "Otter" Stratton- Rush Chair, Delta Tau Chi

I had to choose Otter on this list. Like myself, Otter is a frat boy at heart and I felt the need to have at least one Greek man on this list full of GDI's. (If you have to ask what is a GDI, you probably are one) I would have gladly joined Delta Tau Chi with a leader like Otter running the show. For Christ's sake, he slayed the Dean's wife! I'd frat hard with him any day.
Stay Fratty, My friends

#3 Trent Walker- Swingers

He would probably be the friend that would piss you off half of the time but that other half makes him completely worth it. He is the kind of friend that picks you up when you are down, whether you like it or not. Bad break up with a girlfriend? Trent is your man. Last second trip to Vegas? Previous mention Danny Ocean and Mr. Walker would be a great pair. Bonus point: He might be the only guy I know that still has a sega.

#2. Hank Moody- Californication

A brilliant author and good friend, Moody is probably the most interesting character on my list. I would love to have deep conversations with him that Trent and Otter could not handle or want. Moody also isn't too bad with the ladies, either. He also has a sweet car.
I'll be honest, Moody's ability with the ladies was 95% of the reason I chose him, I just threw in some BS about deep conversations so I didn't look like a complete horndog

#1 Barney Stinson- How I Met Your Mother

The best character on a show that is rapidly declining. All the other characters are falling in love, getting married, blah-blah-blah. Stinson is continuing his quest to be the most awesome man alive and is succeeding quite well. If Danny Ocean is the master of the long con, Stinson is the master of the short con. He has tricked more women than I can count with gimics ranging from a play book including a fake alias to using magician tricks. Copperfield couldn't even pull that off.  I know I have chosen my friends for pretty shallow reasons such as who would be fun to drink with, and who would be best at picking up girls. Let's be honest, besides childhood friends, most of the people you associate yourself with are just people you happen to drink with and chase tail. Just saying. If you want a true friend, buy a dog or something.

Pain Train's List

#5 Hercules

Being Hercules’ friend who be awesome on many fronts. First, his godly strength would prove to be an asset in any bar brawl. Secondly, as a demigod you would not only get into the hottest clubs and places in this world, but you also get to kick it in Olympia. For women he does not limit himself to mortals either as goddesses want his tail. Therefore, I would be more than willing to jump on what he considers a grenade.
Luckily there were no steroid tests in ancient Greece

#4  Doc Brown

Doc is unquestionably one of the most giving and selfless movie characters in fiction. He puts his life on the line for Marty throughout the entire franchise and not once does he hold it against him. Secondly, a huge factor in my friendship of somebody is how much fun I can have with them. Traveling time and the world allows me experiences that are unforgettable. 
Great Scott! I should not be associating with 16 year old boys!

#3 Harry Potter

Once again Harry would not only prove to be a blast to chill with, but he would also have your back both emotionally and physically. My boy can cast any spell he wants to get me out of or into any quagmire I can think off. Additionally, he always puts others before himself and is willing to work with those of us that are not at his skill level. Furthermore, he is a burgeoning ladies man who attracts intelligent, caring, and gorgeous women. 

#2 Benny-The Jet-Rodriguez

Can he cover your back? Hell ya! Death craving dogs don’t bother him. Does he genuinely care for his friends? Hell ya! We all know how he was a big brother to Smalls when he needed it the most. Would he be somebody to hang out with? Hell ya! He invites his friends to play baseball everyday. Would he be fun to have a beer with? Hell ya! I can picture him straight bar hopping at indie bars on Sunset in Silverlake after he gets yet another walk off steal. Can he kick some ass if needed? I have no doubt. 

#1  Ryan Atwood

For anyone that followed the O.C. religiously, this choice makes sense. We craved to be inserted into the drama, exploits, commraderie, and love of the O.C. family. Ryan can kick your butt, outscore you on the IQ, and save your life. He will cause you heartbreat, give you an ulcer, and ultimately put your life ahead of his. The love he shows Sandy, Seth, Marissa, Summer, and Kiki is truly without measure. He does this while pulling all night benders and joining underground fight leagues. What a man! What a friend!

Corey's List

#5 Tony Stark

The filthy rich, debonair, charismatic playboy doesn’t have many close friends, which only means that his inner-circle is ripe for cracking. One of those rare movie characters whose quips leave you thinking “wow, that was 100% the right thing to say,” he is your ticket into any party in the world, and his Malibu bachelor Mecca is better than anything I could even conceive.

#4 Cool Hand Luke

Fun to drink with, busted for having a little too much sauce and ripping the heads off of parking meters (honestly, who hasn’t had the urge?!?) Suave enough to pull ungodly numbers of chicks over to whatever table we’re sitting at, and a bona-fide Christ-like ringleader, as evidenced by the following he gains in the slammer. The kind of guy who backs you no matter what and never backs down from anyone else (50 eggs as proof).
Pictured: Badassness

#3 Indiana Jones

A man who needs little to no introduction. Adventurous, witty, and educated. An absolute pleasure to discuss the philosophical ways of the world (huge in my book) or travel to the four corners with. Bonus points for getting to hang with Daddy Connery. Offset by negative points of hanging out with Son LeBeouf.
This is what a tenured professor should look like

#2  Tyler Durden

Perhaps the most controversial member on this (or any) list. I do realize destructively psychotic (not to mention imagined) Durden was in Fight Club. But on the other hand, he absolutely gave Edward Norton’s character life. He turned him from a lost loser of epic proportions into a cult hero who felt alive for the first time in his life. I wouldn’t want to surround myself with multiple characters in the Durden mold, but having one guy around to spice things up would keep you on your toes, and, like Norton, alive (well, not literally, but you get the idea). Bonus points for being the guy men want to be and women want to bed. Great line.

#1  Benny-The Jet-Rodriguez

Best friend you could ask for growing up. Friend to the cool kids (DeNunez) and the not (Smalls). Any kid that loved baseball growing up went to bed on more than a few occasions wishing he was Benny (ask them, I guarantee it). Got to tell legendary stories about 4th of July night games, Squints and Peffercorn, running from the Beast…Led a childhood that we all wish we had been a part of to some extent. And shit, the dude made the major leagues. Good friend to have. Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die. 
The face of immortality 

T-Jack's List

#5 Falcor (Never Ending Story)

Growing up as a kid and watching this movie, I always wished I could have falcor as a friend.  He is a huge protective dog that protects the people he cares most about.  Furthermore he flies and talks.  What could be better than man’s best friend flying through the clouds with the capability and know how to protect in the fashion he does.
Also included with friendship: Posh Spice

#4 Buffy Sommers

A sexy woman that kills vampires for a living.  I could only imagine having Buffy as my friend.  She looks good in tights and even better while killing vampires in them.  I frequently watched this show and crushed on the main character as a young lad growing up.

#3  Mickey O'Neil (The Pikey played by Brad Pitt in "Snatch") 

After watching this movie, who else would be better to go out with out on the town.  He loves to drink and nobody would talk mess because he will lay you out with one punch.  

#2  Indiana Jones

This guy drank from the holy grail, travels all over the world, and is an educated person.  Furthermore, he carries a gun everywhere he goes but uses as a secondary weapon to his whip.  This man is the S-H-I-T

#1 Jack Bauer

Need I say more?  I shouldn’t have to, but I will.  He saves the world every season in just 24 hours.  I definitely have a man crush on Jack. I have composed this list imagining our night on the town.  Could you imagine Jack Bauer, Indiana Jones, Mickey O’neil, Buffy, and T-Jack flying to a bar on the back of Falcor.  Then we walk into this bar together.  Heads will turn, and if we don’t like the looks we receive heads will role.

Which list would you most want to hang out with? 

Till next Tuesday...

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